Social Media Influencers are Becoming the New Celebrities

social media influence

In the earliest days of the media, there were only certain careers you could take on and “make it” in regard to a lucrative reward. Acting, directing, producing, radio, etc. were limited positions, and more often than not, you would be under the direct supervision of a fellow professional.

Social media brought forth an entirely new era, one that made stars out of people making silly, ridiculous and original content on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, and more. Celebrities have been quoted as saying their job is to be famous, Kim Kardashian being one of the most well known examples of somebody who sells different kinds of perfume and clothing just by having their name attached to it. Similar to a “brand” like Gucci, where you pay for the name and not for the product itself, “Social Media Influencers” have become the new Kardashians. 

Some of the most famous YouTube stars started in the early days, with the members of SMOSH creating an original video to the theme of “Mortal Combat” which ultimately pulled in millions of hits. However, Social Media Influencers were those who didn’t need to create creative digital content to become known. Many of them employed specific techniques used by marketing agencies and PR companies for ages. They played on the masses wants and needs similar to what you see in commercials. This included influencers who posed like models, talked like models, and their pictures were taken by professionals. 

Eventually, the masses become attracted to these stars. Many of them posing in clothing by companies such as Adidas or Fashion Nova. When their marketing techniques succeeded, with careful postings during peak times on Instagram and strategic hashtags, these companies flocked to them realizing there was a massive opportunity to reach their followers. Larger companies who use influencer based marketing would ask these up and comers to model their clothing, perfume, beauty products and even show off the “effects” that the products had in improving their lives. 

This new industry became known as the “Influencer Marketing” business. Social Media has done incredible things for individuals who otherwise would have no audience. With hashtags placed in certain posts, doing specific poses, and at carefully researched times, individuals could rack up the hits and follows in a matter of hours. As we’ve seen with Social Media, good or bad, a post can get massive attention if the right audience is drawn to it all at once. Now, schools are offering courses that include these specific marketing techniques, and the media industry has been forever changed by this new, but remarkably powerful and influential platform.