Tag Archive for: communication

Here’s what the checklisted childhood looks like. We keep them safe and sound, and then we want to be sure they go to the right schools, but not just that, that they’re in the right classes at the right schools, and that they get the right grades in the right classes in the right schools. But not just the grades, the scores, and not just the grades and scores, but the accolades and the awards, and the sports, and the activities, and the leadership.

We tell our kids don’t just join a club, start a club, because colleges want to see that. There’s no time for free play. There’s no room in the afternoons, because everything has to be enriching, we think, and we even absolve them of getting enough sleep as long as they’re checking off the items on their checklist. We spend so much time nudging, cajoling, hinting, helping, haggling, nagging as the case may be, to be sure they’re not screwing up, not closing doors, not ruining their future, some hoped-for admission to a tiny handful of colleges. And all of this is done to some hoped-for degree of perfection. We expect our kids to perform at a level of perfection we were never asked to perform at ourselves. With our overhelp, our overprotection, overdirection and hand-holding, we deprive our kids of the chance to build self-efficacy. 

If our children are to develop self-efficacy – and they must – then they have to do a whole lot more of the thinking, planning, deciding, doing, hoping, coping, trial and error, dreaming and experiencing of life for themselves. And if we could widen our blinders and be willing to look at a few more colleges, maybe remove our own egos from the equation, we could accept and embrace this truth and then realize, it is hardly the end of the world if our kids don’t go to one of those big brand-name schools. And more importantly if their childhood has not been lived according to a tyrannical checklist, then when they get to college, whichever one it is, well they’ll have gone there on their own volition, fueled by their own desire, capable and ready to thrive there.

Mikey V talks to Jim Robinson from The CSB Media Arts Center. Mike graduated from The CSB Media Arts Broadcast Media Program “Connecticut School of Broadcasting” and works at Radio 104 and The Whale 102.9.

Amanda Talks about her experience at the Palm Beach Code School in the Palm Beach Campus of the CSB Media Arts Center.

Amanda was a student in our Web Development Program and our App Development Program.


Don’t settle on just a degree…do something that you love, like Katherine, our Filmmaking Program student.

After enrolling into one college and transferring to another – listen to how Katherine found out about @Gocsb and why our Film School was the right Film Production school for her.


Film School student Nathan Talks about The CSB Media Arts Center Film Program and starting his Career in the Film Industry

Join Jim Robinson, President of CSB Media Arts Center as he interviews Nathan of the Filmmaking Program at the Farmington, Connecticut campus.


CSB Media Arts Center Broadcast Media Students talk about Learn By Doing – Connecticut School of Broadcasting

Join Jim Robinson, President of CSB Media Arts Center as he interviews students of the Broadcast Media Program at the Farmington, Connecticut campus.

video conferencing

Video conferencing has become so common that almost everyone in the country is familiar with some kind of conferencing software such as Zoom, Teams, or Facetime. It has become the new “norm” to now meet with your colleagues in a 2 dimensional world as it’s ideal for safety, and less so for communication purposes. Video conferencing cannot compete against face to face, but it does have it’s benefits, especially when the very best of the technology is used properly. 

Multimedia professionals agree, video conferencing can be enhanced by better tech, and especially better technique. You don’t have to spend a fortune to create a professional looking view of your living room, kitchen, bedroom, or office space. 

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Ninja is one the biggest household names in gaming today, and with a massive following and a net worth of $25 million, you can see the lucrative potential of a career in gaming. 

Gaming has been around for over 30 years, but it’s popularity and integration into mainstream media has gained a very recent footing. Originally, it was the developers of games who made all of the money in the industry, but now gamers can make millions simply playing the games for a live audience. 

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e-learning digital media

Digital Media is becoming one of the most popular mediums for delivering content. With its capabilities, easy accessibility and developers becoming more and more keen on what users want out of their online platforms, it’s no surprise that digital media has many businesses re-thinking their marketing and training strategies. 

With that comes the “boom” of new positions available for multimedia specialists, more specifically for the new positions in E-Learning. Thousands of businesses across the country rely on digital media to increase employee engagement, not only in their everyday work life but also in training for new systems, technology, processes and HR related issues. 

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