The #WFH (Work From Home) Trend Has Made Home Studios a Must Have For 2020

When it was announced that the Coronavirus had spread to the United States, thousands of companies around the country began planning alternatives to working from the office to keep employees safe. The main issue they ran into was that many employees didn’t have access to necessary technology for a workplace such as enhanced WiFi, powerful computers, acoustically treated space, HD/4K Webcams, and clear microphones.

This sparked a massive spike in search engines. Questions from “Home Office Improvements?” to “Best Webcam for Video Conferencing?” began spreading like wildfire. Many Americans felt themselves unprepared for this new way of life, but for many of us, there was no choice but to keep moving forward. Webcams, microphones, lighting, and other #WFH gear sold out just as fast as toilet paper and hand sanitizer. There was an issue that many consumers didn’t think about, which is that this technology requires specialized skills and expertise to operate.

Webcams, USB Microphones, and small lighting equipment can really up your video conferencing game, but the best equipment isn’t always as simple as “plug and play”. Multimedia Specialists saw their own surge, fellow professionals in other industries hiring them for their knowledge about this unique gear. Video comes with it’s own complicated methods, like understanding resolution, FPS (Frames Per Second), Refresh Rates of Monitors, and how quality can be impacted by poor lighting.

As our new way of life continues, professionals in every industry have come to the conclusion that the media industry is more necessary than ever. Even before the pandemic, media was involved in more than just the films we watch, news we consume, and music we listen to. It had it’s hand in every industry, creating training materials for large corporations, tools like voice overs to aid disabled individuals, and bringing Ted Talks to the world that needed to learn about new topics and concepts.