Tag Archive for: careers

voice over microphone

You can be driving down the highway with the radio blasting, sitting at home watching your favorite TV show, checking out groceries at the self checkout station, or even watching your kids play with their new Christmas toys. In every one of these scenarios, voice actors are impacting your life in some way. You hear voices come through your speakers so often that eventually, you stop paying attention to what’s behind the voice. You become desensitized to a man or woman in a studio actually recording that commercial you’re listening to or your favorite video game character shouting during a battle scene. 

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Ninja is one the biggest household names in gaming today, and with a massive following and a net worth of $25 million, you can see the lucrative potential of a career in gaming. 

Gaming has been around for over 30 years, but it’s popularity and integration into mainstream media has gained a very recent footing. Originally, it was the developers of games who made all of the money in the industry, but now gamers can make millions simply playing the games for a live audience. 

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Social Media Mobile Apps

Over 95% of Americans have access to some kind of phone, and most of that percentage is in reference to smart phones. Humans always strive to make things better, especially technology. We want to make things more convenient, safer, faster, and more powerful. So to go from a large, heavy phone with a dial that is isolated to whatever room you’re in and can only call certain numbers to a device with more processing power than NASA computers in the 1970’s is a miracle of technology.

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Vintage Microphone

The concept of podcasting was originally conceived by the former MTV video jockey Adam Curry and software developer Dave Winer. Podcasting, originally called iPodder, was a software that enabled users to download internet radio shows to Mp3 devices like iPods. The term “podcasting” came from journalist Ben Hammersly who was attempting to combine the concepts of the software like blogging, independent media, amatuer radio into one term. It’s credibility was in its infancy. In other words, non existent. That was until a year later when larger companies started to recognize it’s potential. Apple was one of the first to pick up the software, allowing users to download podcasts on the newest version of iTunes. 

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Web Developer Code

As the Pandemic rages on, tens of thousands of Americans out of work have been searching for new career options. Some industries have suffered more than others, like restaurants, concert venues, and businesses that rely on live in person operations.

Searches have increased for professional opportunities that are not only safe, but profitable enough to help a family thrive. With #WFH (Work From Home) becoming one of the most popular hashtags on Instagram and Twitter, it’s no surprise that many are flocking to industries like coding and web design especially with an estimated 36.9 Billion in profit for 2020.

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